PSA from a the Dentist’s Daughter
What if your were given a gift? But no one knew. And you shared it, and embraced it, and were inspired by it? Never forget that time passes quickly and you don’t even notice until it begins to show. What if the anger and judgement that you hang your hat upon are unfounded? Stop making assumptions. Support kind people in their efforts. Make kind efforts yourself. Care about people. Talk to them. Listen to what they have to say. Live life with passion and encouragement. Cheer for other’s accomplishments no matter how seemingly small. And LIVE your life, use the breakable glasses, sit on the good furniture, go swinging in the playground, hug your kids, call your parents, share a good song with someone. And take a chance on something new. Tomorrow is promised for no one.
#dentistsdaughtersrock #thanksforthisbeautifulday