It’s OK to Catch that Scarlet Fever

PSA from the Dentist’s Daughter

As I walked out of our restaurant last night in Jackson WY to a sky ablaze in oranges and reds, as the sun set behind the Tetons, I realized my life was moving in the right direction.  As we chased the sun up to the top of Spring Creek ridge just to see the last of it, before it retired behind the mountain, I realized I had been on the right path all along.  I laugh that I have to do everything in life twice, that there is no mistake I haven’t made.  But what this really means is the I have been giving it everything I had.  Failure is something that is part of life but without it that means we were probably not passionately engaging.  As I stood at the top of the mountain with my dad I knew this is one of the virtues he has taught me.  Live in the now, accept life while you are in it.  Love people for who they are, not for who you want them to be.  If you want friends, accept their weaknesses too.  Nobody is perfect, but there is perfection out there.  We didn’t catch the sun last night at the top of that mountain.  But looking out at that beautiful valley full of dreams and memories I realized that is not what matters.  Living in the light full of compassion, love, and spirit is the key.  My dad teaches me that every day. He is a true cowboy!

#giddyuppartner  #offintothesunset  #dentistsdaughtersrock